Saturday, February 7, 2009

We dropped the big baby news tonight at Wyatt's Birthday! We got Wyatt a shirt that says "I am going to be a big brother!" and almost made everyone fall off their chairs! Now let me do the math for all of you who are trying to count on your fingers, yes that means we are going to have another baby before our first baby turns two! Wyatt will be 19th months old when our new little surprise will be here. I am due on August 31st. And no we were not planning this one, but not all great things are planned! Now that being said I am so thankful for Todd and his very clam personality because when I first figured out that we were going to have another baby I freaked out thank goodness Todd is a rock and convinced me we can do this!! Hope you like the birthday pictures, thank you to all our family and friends that came to Wyatt's first birthday party, We love you all very much!!


Dana said...

How exciting! If anyone can do you it you guys can, you are great parents! Congratulations!

Katie & Benten Shober said...

I'm so excited for you guys. I can't wait to find out what it is. I'm moving out in May so I can babysit and help out anytime! :)

Unknown said...

Great way to announce the big news! I am so excited for you! It is so fun having them close once you get past the 2 year mark! Good luck!

DeLoy and Heidi Brady said...

Congrats! I had one of those unplanned "surprises" and it was one of the best things in my life. It was the only boy that we have!!! It is exciting news!

Jen K said...

Happy Birthday to Wyatt and congrats on the new baby! Wyatt is seriously one of the cutest little boys I have ever seen so I can't wait to see how cute your next little one will be.